Perfecting an Appeal (Divisional Court)

From Riverview Legal Group


61.01 Rules 61.02 to 61.16 apply to all appeals to an appellate court except as provided in clause 62.01 (1) (b) or rule 62.02 and, with necessary modifications, to proceedings in an appellate court by way of,

(a) stated case under a statute;
(b) special case under rule 22.03, subject to any directions given under subrule 22.03 (2); and
(c) reference under section 8 of the Courts of Justice Act. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 61.01; O. Reg. 536/96, s. 7; O. Reg. 14/04, s. 28.


61.09 (1) The appellant shall perfect the appeal by complying with subrules (2) and (3),

(a) where no transcript of evidence is required for the appeal, within thirty days after filing the notice of appeal; or
(b) where a transcript of evidence is required for the appeal, within 60 days after receiving notice that the evidence has been transcribed. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 61.09 (1); O. Reg. 570/98, s. 6 (1).

(2) If the appellant or the respondent believes that a part of the record or the original exhibits from the court or tribunal from which the appeal is taken is required for the proper hearing of the appeal, the appellant or respondent may move before a judge of the appellate court for an order that they be sent to the Registrar. O. Reg. 24/00, s. 8; O. Reg. 653/00, s. 5.

Material to be Served and Filed

(3) The appellant shall,
(a) serve on every other party to the appeal and any other person entitled by statute or an order under rule 13.03 (intervention in appeal) to be heard on the appeal,
(i) the appeal book and compendium referred to in rule 61.10,
(ii) the exhibit book referred to in rule 61.10.1,
(iii) in the case of a proceeding in the Court of Appeal or if ordered by the court, a typed or printed copy of the transcript of evidence,
(iv) an electronic version of the transcript of evidence, and
(v) a typed or printed copy of the appellant’s factum referred to in rule 61.11;
(b) file with the Registrar, with proof of service,
(i) three copies of the appeal book and compendium, and where the appeal is to be heard by five judges, two additional copies,
(ii) one copy of the exhibit book,
(iii) in the case of a proceeding in the Court of Appeal or if ordered by the court, a typed or printed copy of the transcript of evidence,
(iv) an electronic version of the transcript of evidence,
(v) three typed or printed copies of the appellant’s factum, and where the appeal is to be heard by five judges, two additional copies, and
(vi) an electronic version of the appellant’s factum; and
(c) serve on every person served under clause (a), and file with the Registrar, a certificate of perfection,
(i) stating that the appeal book and compendium, exhibit book, transcripts, if any, and appellant’s factum have been filed, and
(ii) setting out, with respect to every party to the appeal and any other person entitled by statute or by an order under rule 13.03 (intervention in appeal) to be heard on the appeal,
(A) the name, address and telephone number of the party’s or other person’s lawyer, or
(B) the name, address for service and telephone number of the party or other person, if acting in person. O. Reg. 570/98, s. 6 (2); O. Reg. 19/03, s. 13 (1-3); O. Reg. 260/05, s. 14; O. Reg. 170/14, s. 21; O. Reg. 82/17, s. 9; O. Reg. 689/20, s. 44.

Relief from Compliance

(4) If it is necessary to do so in the interest of justice, a judge of the appellate court may give special directions and vary the rules governing the appeal book and compendium, the exhibit book, the transcript of evidence and the appellant’s factum. O. Reg. 19/03, s. 13 (4).



  1. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194: RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, <>, reterived 2021-04-07